On Wed, Jul 23, 2003 at 10:05:28PM +0100, Angel Gabriel wrote:
> Over the ast few days, I have been getting a lot of messages, which are
> spam, posted to my lycos email address, the one I use here, adn for
> other mailing lists. This is begining to annoy me, occasionally, I'd get
> about two or three a day, now, I get about 60 or 70. I can't run filters
> on the messages, because the have the correct To: address, and the
> sender is always diffrent. This is really begining to annoy me.
> Is there any spam filters out there, that can maybe redflag certain
> email, which it thinks is spam, so that I can use my mailer to filter it
> out, and then change the 'spam filter' if it gets it wrong?

Bogofilter works well for me.  Save up some spam to start it with and it
will "learn" as you tell it what is spam and what isn't.  PopFile
(popfile.sf.net) is pretty good as well, though I haven't used it. 

If you can't set up a filter on the server try something like Mozilla or
Thunderbird which has a built in spam filtering system which like
bogofilter, learns based on what you tell it is spam and what you tell
it isn't.


Alan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - http://arcterex.net
"There are only 3 real sports: bull-fighting, car racing and mountain 
climbing. All the others are mere games."                -- Hemingway

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