On Thu, 31 Jul 2003 03:05:58 +0000 (DST)
Simon Mushi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just wanted to ask what to do if a process refuses to die. For
> example I want to kill dctc with a pid of 16371. So I type in "kill
> 16371" and I can do this continually and the process refuses to die
> and still shows up in top.
> What can I do to kill it for real?

Try a kill -9.  The normal kill tries to play nice, but it doesn't
always get the job done.  If kill -9 doesn't do the trick, then you
might need to reboot.  For example when I have an nfs mount go sour or a
usb drive's action get hung up then sometimes a kill -9 won't take care
of it. At that point, I just reboot... maybe there's a better way,

Shane Hickey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Nerd
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