On Thu, Jul 31, 2003 at 07:55:55PM -0400, Bryan Feir wrote:
> Well, by default, pnmtops in the netpbm package will convert a Portable
> aNyMap to Postscript, and always reduce it to fit on one page.  (You can do
> 'pnmtops -scale 0.25 <input |lpr' to explicitly scale it down; by default
> it will enlarge the image four times to change a 72dpi image to a 300dpi
> image, then reduce the result if it's too big for the page.)  Nice thing
> about the netpbm programs is they all take standard input and output, so
> they can be used as chained filters and easily used for batch jobs.
> Might be useful if you gave us a better idea of what you were doing now,
> what programs you were using (including which print filters) and what
> intermediate formats.

Thanks  for the detailed answer.

I have cups 1.19 installed, a hp deskjet 990c, and use the driver for 
hpijs obtained from linuxprinting.org. In the configuration menu i have 
set the printer to use 300-dpi color draft mode.

For scanning I use scanimage from the sane package. The output was 
converted through ppmtojpeg like this:

scanimage --mode=color -r 300 |ppmtojpeg -q 85 >output.jpg

identify from imagemagick tp;d ,e O jad 2532X35XX pixels, so to be safe I 

convert -scale 2390 output.jpg output2.jpg


lpr output2.jpg

with the result described earlier.

In the cups documentation it is stated that cups supports jpegs 'out of 
the box', so I thought the procedure described was the logical thing to 

I'll give pnmtops a try tomorrow.

Thanks again,


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