As per, I have followed the instructions but am having a few problems. Although this guide is great at telling you what to do to get your email system working, like most of HOWTO's, magazine, books, etc concerning Linux, they don't tell you why you are doing something. At the risk of looking stupid, I have a couple of questions:
Fetchmail / Procmail is working. But where exactly does fetchmail put your email before it passes it to procmail?
And if I am losing emails due to a bad procmailrc, how would I know it?
My emails are sitting in my ~/.maildir (after being fetchmail'ed and procmail'ed), and I can read them using any text editor. Is this normal? Does Courier-IMAP now just read the emails from this directory? And I am assuming that when I try to access my email from my work computer, the emails stay on my home computer and are not downloaded to my work computer, correct?

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