On Thursday 04 September 2003 00:06, gabriel wrote:

> you're missing one simple point: cellphones are simple.  a two-yearold
> can figure them out.  push buttons, talk.  you're done.  can you
> remember your first time trying to install/use mysql?  "how do you start

No, I have never installed MySQL on my mobilephone.

> this thing?"  "what do you mean i haven't installed the database?  what
> did i just do then?"...

But before you start using something like MySQL you really should read a few 
pages from the manual, otherwise you are not gonna make much sense of it 

> insane.  he wanted a computer to watch tv on and record his shows.  in
> windows, this is a 20min process of "double-click, next, next, ok,
> finish".  in linux, its 2days or (in my case (thank you ati AIW))
> never.  the guy's right on two very good points:

But after that you really know that is going on and if it breaks tomorrow you 
know what to do.

>   1. the current interface is scary for people who want it to "just
> work"(TM).  a reasonable gui skinning of the command line stuff would do
> great things for a distro.  imagine, just double click "upgrade system"
> on your desktop, have it popup a window with all the command line stuff
> scrolling by and nice pretty watermark...  then when it's all done, a
> nice gui "done".  my grandmother would actually be ok with using linux
> then.  linux needs "finishers". people who write the code that installs
> the mysql db and auto-configures the config files in /etc/ for people
> who don't know how and don't want to know.

I would really hate that. Then I would have to look for an other disto again. 
For some reason distos always seem to become more and more "userfriendly", 
that is harder and harder to use if you don't want to use the shiny gui 
interface they always seems to come up with.

> i love linux.  gentoo especially, but it's only good for people like
> me... not this guy.  so if we want people like him (and my grandmother)
> to use it, then we have to work on #1 and push companies to do #2.

So let Gentoo be for those how know a little about what they are doing and let 
the newkomers run Mandrake and the like. If you try to be the best at 
everything you will fail at everything.

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