Yes, that made sense..appreciate it man.

Man...I get right to the end and now its crapping out on me...WHY ME.... now what the heck is going on. 

# etc-update 
This runs fine. Nothing to update. 

# exit 
This is fine.. 
(This exits the chrooted shell; you can also type ^D) 

# cd / 
was already there. 

# umount /mnt/gentoo/boot 
Worked fine.. 

# umount /mnt/gentoo/proc 
Worked fine... 

# umount /mnt/gentoo 
unmount: /mnt/gentoo: device is busy. So I wait for 10 minutes. Come back and get the 
same thing,
over and over. 

What do I need to do here..? Any suggestions  Shoot to Kill  

The other strange thing is I cannot eject the dam CD. The eject button doesn't 
frigging respond
now. Why is the cd all of the sudden not responding........Ahhhhhhrggggggg..... 

 Ok, so how do I recover from this...and what could be causing this?  

What do I need to do to recover and reboot. 

My hole experience with Linux in general has always been able to get to the very end 
and thats
usually when things crap out...this has happened to me many times when I go with 
default install
# reboot 
(Don't forget to remove the bootable CD) 
How can I forget now..... PaperClip time...cyber Mygiver.... 

AHHHHHHHHHHHrrrrrrrgggggggg.........Please help.....insane laughter.....

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