Angel Gabriel wrote:

Imagine this sales pitch between MS, and Linux.

MS Guy to director of finance in big company:
Yes, we have a team of 60 developers activly working on our office suite

Linux Guy to same:
We activly have 20k people devloping OUR office suite

MS Guy to director:
We have a support service that is very low cost, and out telephone staff
are specially trained to answer and question

Linux Guy:
Our support is free, from the people that actually write our software,
not from people that are trained to answer support queries

MS Guy:
Our software is avalible in most retail outlets

Linux Guy:
Out software os avalible anywhere with a net connection

MS Guy:
FINE, go get linux then!!!

If only this happened in every major industry, linux would take over!

I think you are not very experienced in everyday's busyness life, because you forgot about big power, called corruption.

So more probably it'll look like this:

M$ Guy:
Mr. finance director, if you buy OUR software, you can receive your bribe!
You have just to say how many percent it should be ...
... Wooooooooooow!

Linux Guy:
Mr. finance director, you can take OUR software free of charge!
And therefore you'll not receive any back-hander, bribe, graft,
bakshish, inducement or payola (or how are you calling it )
... sorry, we cannot support your political party in next elections, etc.

And now what do you think, who is going to win?

It really must work like this, because othervise I cannot find
any reasonable answer to this question:

"How is it possible, that governments and state apparatus
of most countries in all over the world are spending billions $ for totaly
unreliable and unsecure M$ software?"


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