On Tue, 09 Sep 2003 14:00:31 +0100
bryn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> rh wrote:
> > When I start a process running in the background, as in, "xplanet -projection 
> > rectangular 2>/dev/null &"
> > , why when I exit the terminal window, does that process die? Kind of defeats the 
> > purpose of shoving it
> > to the background if you still have to keep the eterm open.
> > 
> > rh
> > 
> > --
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
> > 
> > 
> > 
> It does that because that's what it's meant to do ;-)
>   and look for stuff on job control (for bash, "man bash" then "/^JOB 
> CONTROL" will take you to the right bit).
> When an interactive shell exits, it sends a SIGHUP to all the 
> processes in it's job table, you can remove jobs from the table using 
> the bash builtin disown or by running them under the nohup program.
> Some programs exhibit different behaviour (staying alive after the 
> shell exits) but that's usually because they explicitly catch the HUP 
> signal (daemons esp.)
> hope that helps

Thank you. Actually it does help. Sometimes it the little things that elude me.


> Bryn
> --
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

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