Have I missed something again?

Is there really no option or flag or feature or something to set in
/etc/make.conf so that emerge will remove the /usr/portage/distfiles/* that
were downloaded for the installation?

In my situation I don't see why I would ever re-install something already

I can see the advantage for developers installing the same packages several
I can also see the potential interest for someone being on a slow line with
mucho harddisk.

But for many ordinary users (like myself) it just doesn't make sense to
save the distfile once installed just in case I might once want to
re-install it. (It will anyway be outdated by then.)

I'd like to set some flag or somesuch so that emerge does this cleanup
after itself and from what I read in the forums and on this mailing list, I
believe it's a quite common feeling.

So my questions are: What FM did I miss? How is this done? Can it be done?


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