Brian P.D. Smyth wrote:

Prabhat Gupta wrote:


I installed a netgear 802.11g card on my laptop for wireless access. With latest vanilla-source (~x86) everything was working fine.
Then, I changed the kernel to latest gentoo-sources (~x86). Now the wireless connection doesn't connect automatically after boot. I have added it to the default runlevel.

Now everytime, I have to start it explcitly by:

/etc/init.d/net.eth1 stop
/etc/init.d/net.eth1 start

I have to stop first, cause it say it is already started. What could be the problem. I will appreciate any help.


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I have faced the same problem and here's what I had to do:

1)  rc-update del wlan default
2)  rc-update add wlan boot

On my system the net.wlan0 script was running before wlan was loaded. Removing wlan from the default runlevel and adding it to boot ensured that wlan was started first.

Let me know if it works,



Disregard my suggestion. Sorry. I didn't realize that you aren't using linux-wlan-ng.


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