On Sun, 28 Sep 2003, SMS WebMaster wrote:

> Hi
> I was RedHat and Mandrake user and now I am (I hope for ever :) ) Gentoo
> user
> but I have a big problem. linux sometime crash (hang) sometime without
> any reason !!!
> This happened to me in Redhat,Mandrake and now in gentoo
> sometime I don't do anything , just browsing the net with mozilla !!!
> anyone know any reason for this crash ??

I just (I think) fixed the exact same problem on my computer.  It's been
running for several days now without a problem.  Previously, Mozilla would
suddenly crash, licq would crash rather quickly if I attempted to talk
with it, X would suddenly crash (I'm looking at a console), the computer
becomes unresponsive to keyboard and mouse, or the computer would
spontaneously reboot.

So, having removed the bad RAM, it only has 256MB instead of 512MB, but it
doesn't crash.  (It still did though when I removed the wrong one, leaving
the defective one in.)

Marshal Newrock, unemployed Linux user in Lansing, MI
Caution: Product will be hot after heating

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