On Mon, 29 Sep 2003 20:17:13 +1200, Thomas Eastman wrote:
> 1.  During the installation process when it comes time to set up the
> kernel can I simply tell it to install development-sources?  Will
> Gentoo balk at me?  Is genkernel safe with 2.6.0?  Is genkernel safe
> at all? I've never used it.

You are free to choose whatever kernel you like, even when installing.
About genkernel: it doesn't have much documentation and I heard it
doesn't work with 2.6 kernels.

> 2.  I've used XFS with no problems for over 18 months, but because of
> the horror stories I've been hearing about it I think I might switch
> back to good ol' ReiserFS.  But ReiserFS4 is in the works or something
> like that... Question:  If I use reiserfs from the development kernel,
> will I have anything weird happen to be because of different versions
> of userspace reiserfs tools?  Is there any caveats I need to know
> about ReiserFS in 2.4 Vs. ReiserFS in 2.6?

AFAIK reiserfs4 is not in 2.6 yet, so just make sure you have the latest
reiserfs utils.
> 3. What's the deal with Hyperthreading?  Am I going to need to set up
> an SMP kernel?  Is there anything else that is important to know about
> configuring a Hyperthreading CPU?

You will need at least to enable SMP in the kernel, which is a default
anyway I think. Also the FSB matters as to wether Hyperthreading will
work or not, IIRC.

> 5. What's the deal with ACPI/APIC?  These caused me no end of hassles

Depends on the board with its chipset and BIOS.

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