
Look at the rc-script howto. http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/rc-scripts.xml

I think that creating a separate runlevel for these service which starts before the default level might solve your problem.


On Tue, 2003-09-30 at 11:40, Patrick Marquetecken wrote:
Last week i send a mail that some spam is getting true and if i save it
as file and rund procmail < file then it is recogniced as spam.
Now after days looking i have found wy, but i don't know the 
wright gentoo solution to fix it, in my default runlevel fetchmail
start, then hotplug this takes several seconds (6). after hotplug there
are another six deamons to start before spamd. 
If it was Unix i would rename the spamd to espamd so it would be before
Wat is the right way in gentoo to do this, i want also iptables to be
activated before the net.* files.


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