> At some point (unfortunately, I'm not sure exactly when it started) I
> stopped being able to log in with a text console.  I can log in fine
> through gdm's graphical login, but if I boot into text-mode I can't
> log in, and I can't log into virtual consoles.
> What happens is when I type my username, it tells me "Login incorrect"
> without even letting me type my password.  It does this to both root
> and my normal user.
> I was using ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~x86", so I tried commenting that out in
> my make.conf and ran "emerge -u system" to downgrade all system
> packages to stable versions, but that hasn't fixed the problem.  Any
> help would be appreciated.

I've got no idea which package is responsible but for some reason
/etc/pam.d/login got all screwed up for me with the same symptom you
described. Just reemerge shadow and update /etc/pamd.d/login and all
should be fine again.

Patrick Börjesson

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