Right now I am searching the "linux usb users" mail list at

please seach with me and if you find anything then send it to gentoo list

Azhdeen wrote:
same here, but that's all I came up with.

that's why I said 'if anyone has a better idea"....

I'm new to bash scripts, but as it was either this or hardcode the device in the script, i chose this.


On Thursday 02 October 2003 04:04, SMS WebMaster wrote:

Thank you for the script

but the line :
mount `ls /dev/sd?? -d --sort=time|head -n 1` -t vfat -o umask=000

is very bad

I pluged HD1 and then I pluged HD2 and then I removed HD1 and repluged
it but I got the wrong device from the command

I searched google but I can't find anyhthing

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