On 2003.10.03 07:04, Sami Näätänen wrote:
On Friday 03 October 2003 07:38, Adam Dunstan wrote:
> i have a radeon 9000 pro, and i don't think its hardware
> functions are getting used

You are right.

> this is the out put form glxinfo
> direct rendering: No

This gives the first hint

> OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect
> OpenGL version string: 1.3 Mesa 4.0.4

And this tells you that you are using Mesa, which is a OpenGL look a
like software renderer.

I think you need xfree-drm or something like that. I can't remember
correct package name, becuase I use NVidia GFX-card.

There is an ATI howto on the gentoo docs page.


Chris I

Optimization hinders evolution.

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