On Sat, 4 Oct 2003 18:36:05 -0100 Davide Brini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Alle 14:54, venerd́ 3 ottobre 2003, Alan ha scritto:
> > Isn't xcdroast just a frontend for cdrecord?  I don't recall it having
> > any real dependancies other than gtk.
> That's the point...they explicitly want gtk version 1.x, and their README file
> says ver. 2.x isn't supported yet.
> > Others you can check out are:
> >
> > gtoaster (gnome 1.4)
> Same as above.
> > k3b (kde)
> Don't want all that bloat only to burn CDs
> > cdrdao (which has a gtk frontend called gcdmaster)
> Don't know this one, I'll look for it.
> Meanwhile, I think I'll use some console-based stuff (magma, cdw, simplecdrx 
> and similar).

Spend about 15 minutes with the cdrecord manpage, then use that if you don't
like bloat.  For super-dumb users, you could wrap this with a simple shell
script.  Bloat is now not a problem.  I find nothing especially daunting about

        cdrecord -v -speed=? dev=0,0,0 -eject /path/to/what/to/burn

        cdrecord -scanbus gives you the value for dev= 

With a little more effort (not more than a day) you could use perltk or tkinter
(python) or even native tcl/tk (wish scripts) to code up a simple gui for the
above mentioned users that invokes cdrecord under the covers.  Bloat also not a
problem here.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
if you fill your heart with regrets of yesterday and the 
worries of tomorrow, you have no today to be thankful for.

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