Pat Kerwan wrote:

On Sun, Oct 05, 2003 at 10:03:49AM +0200, Patrick Marquetecken wrote:


1 - I was thinking of using a firewall on cd (creating myself) with
gentoo and iptables. If it is going to be used in a company (if properly
configured) would the result be the same as a checkpoint firewall ?

Don't know to much about checkpoint but besides the advanced features like HA/clustering the result should be the same.
If you don't insist in using gentoo you could also use gibraltar ( which is a debian based firewall on cd.
Generally for configuring the iptables rules I recommend using shorewall (there is an ebuild for it).


2- How do i save the logfiles of that firewall config, on the internal
HD? and read them true ssh ?

To save the log files to the HD, I'm pretty sure all you'd need to do is create a filesystem on the hard drive, and set up /etc/fstab so it will be mounted at /var.

- PK


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