On 2003.10.06 03:07, Jason Stubbs wrote:
On Monday 06 October 2003 16:09, momesana wrote:
> And once again, Hi!
> I discovered a workaround for the adsl-problem without the need for
> pci=noacpi or acpi=off.
> When I enable APIC under "processor type and feauters" everything
works and
> there is no need for pci=noacpi. If I use an APIC-enabled kernel
plus the
> pci=noacpi option passed to my kernel, this results in the annoying
> interrupt" Error due to the fact that IRQ probing fails. But without
> everythink works just fine and there is no problem with adsl.
> If I use a kernel without APIC enabled I cannot connect to the
> unless I pass pci=noacpi or even acpi=off to the kernel at
start-up. Here
> there are no "lost interrupt" errors or the likes.

And there's the key to working with development kernels. I haven't
tried APIC
yet as it slowed down my modem the last time I did try. I might give
it a try
though as I know my PC does have an APIC available. Thanks for the

Last time I tried APIC my laptop froze every time I changed the screen brightness (even before init would start, if i had changed it then).

Lucky I'm using NAT i suppose


Chris I

Let the machine do the dirty work.
-- "Elements of Programming Style", Kernighan and Ritchie

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