Hi Barry

# mount -t ext2 (ext3 or dos) /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/fd0, or too many mounted file systems
I also tried
# mount /mnt/floppy with no result

You must specify the correct fs type. For a Windows floppy: mount -t vfat /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy

I found out the trick. I could not read the bookdisk disregarding whichever command issued such as;

# mount /mnt/floppy
# mount -t vfat/ext2/ext3  /dev/fd0  /mnt/floppy

I can mount and read a floppy prepared on another Linux box
# mount /mnt/floppy
# mount -t vfat  /dev/fd0  /mnt/floppy

My /etc/fstab
/dev/fd0      /mnt/floppy  auto    noauto, owner, kudzu
(I have this line  "proc   /proc   proc   default
whether I need it)

However '/boot/grub/grub.conf' disappears, both the folder 'grub' and 'grub.conf'

# updatedb
# locate grub.conf

Could not find it !!!!! There is nothing under /boot/

Gentoo doesn't mount /boot by default. You have to mount it (as root).

Noted with thanks

3) I could not connect broadband

My  /etc/conf.d/net
iface_eth1="dhcp"   (only one line.  only one ethernet card)

# adsl-setup (tried as ROOT and Super ROOT)
- bash: adsl-setup: command not found
# neat
- bash: neat: command not found

How did you boot it? Also, if you have only 1 nic, you device is eth0.

Problem solved. I re-do following procedures

# emerge -k xfsprogs
# rc-update add net.eth0 default
# ln -s net.eth0 net.ethx
# rc-update add net.ethx default

The denotation of my NIC is eth1. Because previously I have 2 NICs on this box and I removed eth0

Now 'adsl-start' can connect broadband

- snip -

a) What are following lines used for

starbaby (~) $ sudo mount /dev/hdb1 /boot
starbaby (~) $ cat /boot/grub/grub.conf

sudo allows certain users to execute certain root commands (emerge app-admin/sudo, then man sudo) . I just mounted /boot (not mounted by default, as per above), and read grub.conf to stdout

Why you use (hd1,0) not (hd0,0) ?

Because my /boot is on the 1st partition of my 2nd hd. Grub uses formal computer
science parlance, i.e., the first device (or whatever) is 0, the 2nd, 1, etc.

Noted with thanks

I still have following problem unsolved.

1) At time of installation
Installing additional hardware-specific ebuilds

# emerge emuk10k1
(Creative Sound Blaster Live!/Audigy support)

It took more 2 hours without completion. The screen was still moving. Finally I rebooted the PC by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del

2) At time of installation

emerge -k xfree

Problem and solution same as above

3) After reboot the PC # emerge -k kde

Problem and solution same as above.

# which kde
could not find it

All download times were very short and the installation time was too long. The screen continued moving 'writing file/fonts, deleting file/fonts, etc.'

4) The bootdisk can't boot automatically.  It prompted

'boot + ENTER' can't help. I have no idea how to proceed further.


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