the one I used was different, this was a month ago though, and gcc was
one 3.2 value less (both 3.2.n cant remember what ones) and it wouldnt


On Tue, 2003-10-14 at 07:33, Stroller wrote:
> On 13 Oct 2003, at 11:41 pm, William Kenworthy wrote:
> > Check the download area, they have distcc in the name.
> Hmmn... I did try looking before posting.
> I can't see any with "distcc" in the title in any of the  
> Pentium-compatible subdirectories of:
> livecd/
> Is there somewhere else I should be looking..?
> >  However the one
> > I tried had an older version of gcc on it so was useless for distcc on
> > an uptodate net.
> As I understand it as long as the "most-major" versions are the same,  
> then one is likely to be ok. EG: I have gcc-3.2.3 installed, so any  
> gcc-3.2.x would be OK. But of course the version on any liveCDs  
> available may not meet this criteria.
> > There is a livecd ebuild that installs a script to create a livecd to
> > your specs - I got as far as emergeing it but have not had time to try
> > it yet.
> I tried it a while back (see <>) but didn't have  
> much joy with it. As you can see from this thread  
> <> documentation & help isn't that forthcoming  
> on this subject (which I would have otherwise thought popular). I might  
> have another crack if I get stuck enough.
> > I ended up using a small partition on the host machine and installed a
> > basic version of gentoo on it, and use a boot floppy to avoid stuffing
> > with the doze boot process.  Invisible until you stuff the floppy in.
> Hmmmn... I'll bear that in mind. But I'm a bit pushed for space on this  
> machine (these machines?).
> Stroller.
> --
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