> > I need a mailsystem for around 2.000 POP3 accounts (and SMTP for them
> > of course) and and I want to implement that in a safe way. So I thougt
> > I setup some kind of backup server with the same config and then make
> > a new, but higher MX record for this domain to that backup mailserver,
> > right?
> You can either do that, or you can use heartbeat to do ip address
> takeover and then you don't need to worry about every incoming mail
> trying to hit your main server and failing before trying the backup mx.
> If you are only going to be using one server at a time (i.e. just
> failover not load balancing), then you'll probably want to go with the
> heartbeat solution.

Never heard of that, but just visited their website and it looks very 

> > Question: Sure, I can make a 1:1 copy of the 1st server, but if that
> > one goes down and the 2nd is handling all the mails, how can users
> > reach their "old" mails from primary server? Is it possible somehow to
> > implement a "fulltime" copy (so that both server have always the same
> > content on them), or do I have to sync the mail data over night for
> > example?
> You'll probably want to look into something like drbd. Drbd mirrors data
> between harddrives over a network connection. It's like a raided network
> block device, but much more suitable for high availability setups. It'll
> keep partitions between 2 computers in sync, so if your main server
> fails, you can then have your backup server take over where the main
> server left off with the same data that the main server had.

Will have a look at that too!

> > Thx for all your answers and hints!
> > Greetings, Matthias
> If you have any other questions feel free to ask me via email or in
> #gentoo-cluster on irc.freenode.net

Brian, thx a lot for this offer. I will check this heartbeat solution out 
and mail you if I have any problems with it...

Greets, Matthias

Forget it, Marge, it's Chinatown!

                -- Homer Simpson
                   Secrets of a Successful Marriage

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