On Mon, 13 Oct 2003 08:54:30 +0100
"A. S. Budden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> You passed an undefined mode number.
> Press <RETURN> to see video modes available, <SPACE> to continue or wait 30
> secs

I too have this problem, when 'vga=XXX' line is in my lilo.conf. I had this
problem even during gentoo installation (1.4rc4), even though it worked just
fine from same CD on other boxes (nice console background, framebuffer). What
can be wrong?

/~\ The ASCII        Andrej "Ticho" Kacian <andrej at kacian dot sk>
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"Go now, lest the Sea devour thee! For Osse obeys the will of Mandos, and he
 is wroth, being a servant of the Doom."
                                        -- Ulmo to Tuor son of Huor

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