On Sat, 2003-10-18 at 19:42, Spider wrote:
> begin  quote
> On Sat, 18 Oct 2003 16:16:09 -0700 (PDT)
> Meph Istopheles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >   I'm installing tomorrow & havn't seen it in either the install 
> > docs or on any Web page, but is gentoo optimised with /swap in a 
> > particular position?  RH wants it at the end of a disk, I 
> > remember mdk wants it as the second partition, etc.  I'll 
> > probably do /boot, then /, then /swap on the drive I'm installing 
> > on...unless someone tells me otherwise.
> Its basically personal preference. I like to have it as second partition
> (Beginning of drive) but thats just me.. Theres no perfect recepie for
> it that I know of (since I don't know how to align it on platters to
> make it "optimized)

From what I've heard, beginning of drive is best since a drive can cover
more area on the outside of the disc in the same amount of time rotating
at the same speed.

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