On Mon, Oct 20, 2003 at 09:10:13PM +0200, Patrick Marquetecken wrote:
> Is this the same for the grub.config ?
> Not the use of sda but only hda

Yup.  I discovered (by trial and error) that there are some subtleties
to how grub sees disks.  I have both IDE and SCSI hard drives in my
computer.  I installed to the SCSI drive.  However, when I booted the
Gentoo LiveCD (for installation), I had to do a "modprobe sym53c8xxx"
so that Linux could see my SCSI card and disk (my CD-ROM is IDE).
Keep in mind, the IDE drive had already been recognized by Linux.  So
during the install, (hd1,0) was my SCSI drive, and (hd0,0) was my IDE

My boot order (as configured by the BIOS), is Floppy, IDE CD-ROM,

So when I actually boot the *installed* version of Gentoo, my SCSI
hard drive becomes (hd0,0) and the IDE hard drive becomes (hd1,0).  In
other words, I used (hd0,0) in my grub.conf file.

Fun stuff :)

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