make the /usr/lib/MozillaFirebird/chrome directory writable (su, chmod, ...), install all the extensions you want, then change the permissions on the directory back to the original (755 or something).

yeah, effectively same as below.


Redeeman wrote:

open the browser as root, then install, then close, and change
permissions on the plugin folder, really simple, and works for sure, i
have done it plenty of time :-)

On Mon, 2003-10-20 at 19:36, Andrew Kirilenko wrote:


I'm wondering is it possible to install any extensions for firebird
0.6.1. The first thing I have tried is installing extension simply
clicking xpi link in the browser. And it told me that I don't have
permissions to do this. I have tried to do this via root (it's really
not good) and it installed it correctly and I even can access it, but
only while running firebird as root. More, after some experiments I have
totally broked firebird (luckely, I have backuped

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