rm /usr/portage/distfiles/* will help!

On Mon, 2003-10-20 at 06:59, Kevin Miller, Jr. wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> After I realized that OpenOffice 1.1 was failing because of a lack of disk 
> space, I decided to see how much free space I had.  I was surprised:
> Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> /dev/hda4             7.3G  7.0G  267M  97% /
> none                  252M     0  252M   0% /dev/shm
> /dev/hda1              31M   11M   19M  36% /boot
> 97% used.  What happened to the remainder?  I noticed that the file size of 
> /var/tmp/portage is 2.3 gigabytes and  /usr/portage is 1.5 gigs.  Can the 
> following files total 3.5GB (total after subtracting both portage 
> directories?
> sys-kernel/ck-sources
> app-editors/vi
> media-sound/alsa-tools
> sys-fs/jfsutils
> media-sound/alsa-utils
> sys-fs/reiserfsprogs
> sys-fs/xfsprogs
> net-www/netscape-flash
> app-emulation/wine
> dev-perl/perl-tk
> x11-base/xfree
> net-www/mozilla-firebird
> dev-db/mysql
> media-libs/alsa-oss
> sys-apps/vcron
> app-crypt/cryptplug
> net-firewall/iptables
> net-www/mplayerplug-in
> games-action/barrage
> net-www/opera
> media-sound/xmms
> sys-apps/hotplug
> app-office/koffice
> net-im/kopete
> sys-apps/xinetd
> dev-php/mod_php
> sys-devel/gdb
> net-print/foomatic
> net-ftp/gftp
> x11-terms/eterm
> net-www/apache
> media-gfx/gimp
> sys-kernel/genkernel
> media-plugins/alsa-xmms
> net-firewall/shorewall
> app-text/htmltidy
> media-sound/alsa-driver
> sys-apps/lvm-user
> app-text/ispell
> sys-kernel/ac-sources
> sys-kernel/vanilla-sources
> app-editors/nano
> sys-kernel/gentoo-sources
> sys-apps/pcmcia-cs
> sys-apps/grub
> kde-base/kde
> app-admin/metalog
> app-crypt/kgpg
> app-crypt/gnupg
> net-print/cups
> app-portage/gentoolkit
> x11-themes/gentoo-artwork
> app-editors/quanta
> net-www/netscape-plugger
> dev-php/php
> net-misc/e100
> net-www/lynx 
> How can I reclaim my lost disk space.  I am currently partitioned to run both 
> Windows (20GB) and Linux(10GB).  Is it possible for me to steal 10 GB from 
> the Windows partition and give it to Linux?
> - -- 
> Kevin Miller, Jr.
> Masters of Public Affairs,
> Comparative and International Affairs, Information Systems, and Nonprofit 
> Management,
> School of Public and Environmental Affairs
> Indiana University - Bloomington
> http://www.amerasianworld.com
> mobile: 812-219-5047
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)
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> =W/ZP
> --
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                So, he wrote it all in Lisp!

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