On Tuesday 21 October 2003 08:02, Björn Lindström wrote:
> Jason Stubbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Seeing the thread was originally about a server environment, I want to
> > add just one small possible problem in this scenario. What if two
> > computers are trying to fetch the same file at the same time? What
> > happens is that they both fail. Just playing the devil's
> > advocate... for the most part, this situation is easy to avoid but one
> > must be aware of it before actively avoiding...
> That should be cool, given all the MD5-sum checking. Would NFS not do
> the right thing, you will get a sensible error and can try again.

If two machines start downloading the same file at the same time the following 
situation happens:

1) the first machine starts downloading
2) the second machine sees the file is already there but incomplete and starts 
appending from.
3) the first machine also continues writing
4) the first machine finishes finds the md5 sum doesn't match, deletes the 
files and exits
5) the second machine finishes downloading finds that the md5sum doesn't match 
(or the file is gone) and also exits.

There's the problem you have to account for. Small but still a problem...


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