I've been running openbox beneath gnome as my window manager for some
time. Then today, for no reason, Gnome decided to crap out when it was
loading. I think it gets hung up on trying to load it's *own* window
manager, metacity. The Gnome startup splash screen gets hung with the
text "Window Manager" and never finishes starting.

cat ~/.xinitrc:
bbkeys -t &
openbox &

Is there something I can do to tell Gnome not to bother loading it's own
window manager?

I tried setting the WINDOW_MANAGER env. variable as recommend in `man
gnome` to "openbox" and changed by .xinitrc to:

bbkeys -t &
WINDOW_MANAGER=openbox gnome-session

But then Gnome won't load either and still gets hung up with the text
"Window Manager" on the splash screen.

Any ideas? What am I doing wrong? Why is this the first time it has ever
given me this problem?

eric heller.

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