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On Sun, 23 Nov 2003 15:14:34 +0100
David Obwaller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> hi,
> i don't think this is a gentoo only problem, but anyway. i recently
> emerged nautilus-cd-burner. now i can make an iso file using nautilus,
> but i can't write it to cd using nautilus-cd-burner. i think this has
> to
> do with the permissions i have on my cd-writer device.
> now, is there any gentoo way of giving a user the permission to access
> the cd writer or do i have to set this up manually. if i had to do it
> manually i'd think of editing my /etc/devfsd.conf, but i'm not really
> familiar with it.
> so, could anyone point out how to mod /etc/devfsd.conf or how to setup
> permissions any other way??

check "emerge cdrw-base" as it will install devfs.d/cdrw and
modules.d/cdrw to get this correct.

after that you need to be a member of the groupd "cdrw" to touch the
burner, but that should be all.

to test wether you have the right to access or not, simplest is to run
"cdrecord --scanbus"  .. if it works and lists your cdrw, all is green,
if not you have to fall back to tweaking.


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