I'm about to install gentoo on a temporary partition on my P4 box.  The 
installation, when done, will be transfered to my pentium 3 and I'll do the 
final bootloader/misc setup stuff that can only be done on the real box.

How do people recommend I transfer the completed gentoo installation to the 
new computer?  I can't just copy the raw partitions because (a) they're not 
the right size, and (b) they're on an LVM volume.

So I need some way of copying over the network that will preserve all the 
required permissions and stuff... would rsync be the way to go?  Or maybe 
tarring up the whole thing once it's done?

What kind of options would I have to provide to ensure that all the 
permissions/ownerships are set correctly?

Can anyone see any other potential tripfalls I haven't thought of?



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