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On Wednesday 26 November 2003 06:35, Hemmann, Volker Armin wrote:
> On Wednesday 26 November 2003 03:54, Adrian Pirciu wrote:
> > Dude, you don't know what you're talking about, really. To delete
> > a file = to mark a file "deleted". There are 2 cases:
> >
> > 1. just mark the file as deleted and then use the space whenever
> > needed:
> > - pros: speed (you just have to write a few bytes to mark a file
> > for deletion, on fat systems just 1 byte afaik), undeleting stuff
> > (if you are telling me that you never needed an undelete
> > program.. well..)
> >
> > - cons: some other unwanted people might undelete stuff you don't
> > want to have undeleted...
> 1b) and remove the pointers to the data thus unallocating the
> inodes. So, the inodes are not marked as deleted, but marked as
> unused/free space.
> > 2. delete entire file (like overwriting the space occupied by the
> > deleted data it with other garbage data)
> > - pros: fewer chance of undeletion (NOT null-chances, since with
> > proper (expensive) equipment, somebody might still recover the
> > data.. incredible isn't it ? that's why many programs let you
> > choose how many times to overwrite the deleted portion ... (even
> > hundreds of times)
> >
> > - cons: SPEED !!! if the system would have to overwrite every
> > file you delete, the writing speed would be half on deletion !! 
> > (example: to delete 1 700MB movie on my system would take 0.01
> > sec at most for case 1 and about 20-30 secs for case2)
> and the third dos/windows FAT way:
> just add a special charackter to the name and don't show it to the
> user anymore, but have it still in the FAT OR shove it into the
> trashcan.
> > Linux and Windows and any system which cares about itself and its
> > users should use the first variant by default, letting the users
> > choose if they want that kind of security like file shredded by
> > other programs.. At least on ext2 it is possible to undelete
> > stuff, and maybe on the others too, but nobody really cared to
> > design such programs...
> in ext2 you have a bitmap of the inodes and a well known structure.
> This making undelete a complicate but doable process, scanning for
> unallocated inodes, checking them and dump them into lost&found.
> Reiser with its B*-trees is something different, at the latest when
> you hit packed tails.
> > by the way, deleting a file will not put it in linux (by default
> > at least) in "a hidden dir". The space which is marked as deleted
> > can be used by the system at any time, and it appears as "free
> > space" (not like windows recycle bin).
> Maybe I was not clear.
> I am familar to the different ways of deleting a file.
> But I think that simple renaming/shoving it into a hidden dir, can
> not be called 'deleting'.  Additionally there seems to be a huge
> intervall between 'deleting' and 'overwriting' in windows, apart
> from this 'trashcan' crap wich has nothing to do with deleting at
> all.
> With linux, unmount/remounting ro could be (and in a lot of cases
> will be) enough to overwrite the freed inodes.
> If something is 'deleted' it should be gone from the fs point of
> view (like in linux). Not hidden from the user with a nifty
> charackter or in a special dir (like in dos or windows). So to
> install a tool, simple to unhidde and/or delete this hidden files
> is only a weak patch for a imho borked design.

I now understand what you mean. Taking out of discussion the "recycle 
bin" stuff, which of course can't be named deletion, I'm not sure if 
the "marking" (4E in hexa if I remeber correctly) is so bad after 
all. Of course, there will be records in FAT that maybe shoudn't be 
there, but at least a beginner can undelete his mp3s or part of them 
after a mistake. I would be tempted to say that this marking thing 
was meant for beginners, but at the time when dos was created, i 
doubt they designed FAT with this consideration in mind. 
All in all, fat follows the windows style, and it's up to the users to 
choose a file system. 

> A tool to 'increase' your feeling of secured privacy may be a fine
> thing, but a) after you copied some files to the partition, it
> should not be necessary anymore and b) with this nice journaling
> fs.. are you sure, that th write-command really hits the platters?
> I am not man.
> That you can do some forensics on harddisks is a completly
> different topic and if you have the money to buy the hard&software
> to do that, or pay a labor to do it for you, you also have the
> money for a more than decent backup solution, rendering the whole
> topic useless.
> > If I didn't understand you correctly, please excuse me.
> >
> > On Wednesday 26 November 2003 04:33, Hemmann, Volker Armin wrote:
> > > On Tuesday 25 November 2003 19:31, Oliver Lange wrote:
> > > > Redeeman wrote:
> > > > > its not a minus, its also a feature, sometimes if i delete
> > > > > data i really want it to disappear!
> > > >
> > > > Well if i want to delete a file forever, there are many tools
> > > > out there which do the job. For example, Krusader offers a
> > > > "shred" command, other tools work from the console. These
> > > > tools overwrite the whole file with Null-Bytes before
> > > > deleting them.
> > >
> > > that is the same like buying a car.. and buying a second one
> > > for left turns...
> > >
> > > If I delete a file, I want it to be gone. Nothing else.
> > >
> > > rm means remove not 'park this in a hidden dir' or 'obfuscate
> > > the name'.
> > >
> > > That windows does not realy 'delete' but merely renames and
> > > overwrites files, is only an additional sign for windos weak
> > > design. Undeleting there is not a feature, but a way to exploit
> > > the shortenings of fat.
> > >
> > > > --
> > > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
> >
> > --

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