On Thursday 27 November 2003 16:00, Michael Spohn wrote:
(B> I think I got closer to the problem but still don't know what it is
(B> exactly. I copied the hello script:
(B> #!/bin/sh
(B> echo "Hello World"
(B> to /var/tmp/portage/bash-2.05b-r8/work/bash-2.05b and ./hello says
(B> bash: ./hello: /bin/sh: bad interpreter: Permission denied
(B> In fstab /var is mounted:
(B> /dev/hda9  /var  ext3  noatime,nodev,usrquota,users  0 0
(BI don't think any of those should cause you to not be able to execute files 
(Bbut "users" is definately a bad idea. That will allow any user to 
(Bunmount /var at any time (as long as there are no open files).
(BJust checked out the man page for mount. It says:
(B       The full set of options used by an invocation of mount is determined by
(B       first  extracting the options for the file system from the fstab table,
(B       then applying any options specified by the  -o  argument,  and  finally
(B       applying a -r or -w option, when present.
(BThis would imply that you need to add exec (and maybe suid) to those flags. 
(BBut if defaults doesn't apply then the out-of-the-box fstab which only 
(Bcontains noatime should not work. Try adding exec and if it works you may 
(Bhave come across a bug in mount.
(B[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list

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