On Thu, 27 Nov 2003 21:25:55 -0800, Oliver Lange muttered:
> >It's still not deleted. If a sufficiently determinded party wants to
> >recover your data, they can do it.
> Well i have read an article about a topic called 'restformatierung' 
> (German),
> which means something like 'remaining formatting'. If you physically open a
> harddisk and connect it to some special diagnostics equipment, it might be
> possible to find out how the magnetic particles on the disk have been before
> they were overwritten to the actual state, but this is not guarateed
> to work for all and every bit, and it requires very special equipment,
> and AFAIK, the harddisk itself is gone forever after doing that.

That's what shred is for. Shred will overwrite a file with random data a
number of times (the default is 25) to thwart this sort of attack.

Andrew Farmer

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