On Sun, 2003-11-30 at 14:37, Simon Mushi wrote:
> Tom,
> Yes, I have noticed gaim to eat up quite large chunks of memory and cpu
> time after some days (3 or more). Resulting in me having to kill it as
> it ceases to refresh the buddy list. But the behaviour is sporadic at
> best, I updraded to 0.72 and so far have 12 hours on it running fine.
> Are there any particular plug-ins or multiple protocols u are using that
> you could try turning
> off and observing memory usage after that? If you witness in excess of
> 100Mb again then I would consider filing the bug report.

I do use quite a few accounts, with 1 ICQ, 1 AIM, 3 MSN and 1 Yahoo. 
(Really, don't ask... ;)
The plugins that I'm using are Buddy State, Message Notification,
History, Text Replacement and SysTray.
Do you think I'm maybe being adventurous?

I have my suspicion, although completely unsupported by any fact, that
it may be the history plugin and its new searching, as this was
partially rewritten (from what the ChangeLog say anyway) and this
appears to be when the problem started.

I will file a bug report and see where it goes, maybe something that has
been identified and fixed in CVS.


Tom Wesley

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