On Sun, 30 Nov 2003 14:38:51 -0800 Doug Gorley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Lucas Sallovitz wrote:
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> >> G'day list,
> >>
> >> I'm thinking this question's probably come up here before, but I'm 
> >> going to pose it anyway; I've got a Compaq Presario 2140 with Windows 
> >> XP installed, and I'd like to install Gentoo without wiping and 
> >> repartitioning.  Can anyone recommend any free tools that they've 
> >> found reliable for resizing partitions for use with WinXP and 
> >> Gentoo?  I'd appreciate any advise you've got to give.
> >>  
> >>
> > parted (or qtparted) is easy to use, doesn't require defaging and has 
> > never done any harm to me.
> >
> Thanks to everyone for the tips.  I'm having the same problem with 
> qtparted and ntfsresize; ntfsresize tells me, "Windows wasn't shut down 
> properly or inconsistent filesystem", and qtparted gives me a similar 
> message.  I defragged and error-checked my XP NTFS partition, but it 
> doesn't seem to have made a difference.  Does anyone know what might 
> cause this to happen?

I haven't tried this myself, but I have heard it said that you need to do a
windows checkdisk, or rather make that, checkdisk, defrag, checkdisk, before
trying to use ntfsresize.  Also, many people report that XP places an unmoveable
swap file right in the middle of the filesystem, so you may not be able to
shrink it as much as you would like.  Some have recommended turning off the swap
file (haven't a clue how) before trying ntfsresize.


Collins Richey - Denver Area
if you fill your heart with regrets of yesterday and the 
worries of tomorrow, you have no today to be thankful for.

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