On Monday 01 December 2003 19:50, Aaron Walker wrote:
> I've been using Gentoo for about a month now (both as my mail server and
> as my desktop OS) and I absolutely love it. I haven't had a single REAL
> problem... (that wasnt obviously fixable, of course) until now.
> Yesterday, I did a 'emerge -u world' on both the Gentoo boxes.
> Unfortunately, my mail server (a P233 w/96M RAM and 2x7GB hard drives)
> wasn't able to finish.  It went fine through all the packages until it
> got to gcc.  I was monitoring the sys stats of my mail server on my main
> box with ssh->top (its a headless/keyboardless box), and as expected it
> was using about 95% cpu.  Everything was getting REALLY sluggish in my
> mail client until it finally became non-responsive.  I can ping it, but
> I can't ssh into it.  I plugged in a monitor & keyboard and all i could
> was switch virtual consoles.  CTR-ALT-DELETE wouldn't even work.  So I
> rebooted and tried again running 'nice -n 15 emerge -u world' mainly so
> I could still read my mail and let it compile at the same time.  I came
> home from work this morning to find it locked up again.  I can't see why
> this P233 could install gentoo from stage1 for 4 straight days and not
> lock up, but then do  it now?

Sounds like a memory problem. It may have worked compiling for 4 straight 
days, but did you attempt to use it interactively at all during that time? 
Does the hard drive churn while compiling gcc?

> Any suggestions?

The best you can do is leave it until it is done or compile it on another box 
with emerge's -b option.

> Sorry for such a long post.

Not so long, but paragraphs would help! ;-)


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