Tuesday, December 2, 2003, 6:11:45 AM, Matthias wrote:

MFB> questions  in a wrong manner. But: where should I have learned it, if
MFB> not on the list itself?

  Well, in the old days, we used to learn by actually reading the ML for a
  while  before  posting  to  it and seeing how the folks who did the most
  good  posted  and  held themselves, and then emulated them. Sadly, those
  were  the days of yore, before the Endless September, when even Kibology
  could  still  be seen running rampant and free. Ah, the olden days, when
  learning through observation was still at play in the world.

  ObGentoo:  Its  really,  really easy to pull up and configure one of the
  innumerable  Bayesian  mail  filtering  systems on your server. Actually
  doing  it is left as an excercise for the reader, but they certainly are
  effective buggers.

Alexander Williams ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  "You are a devil!" she sobbed.
  "Not I!" he laughed. "I was born on this planet long ago. Once, I was
a common man, nor have I lost all human attributes in the numberless
aeons of my adeptship. A human steeped in the dark arts is greater
than a devil."
                        -- RE Howard, The People of the Black Circle

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