Steven Elling --

Thanks for your thorough analysis of this distcc trap.  I will double
check my config, as I am about to recompile gcc also.


On Thu, 2003-12-04 at 19:26, Steven Elling wrote:
> If your using distcc, have multiple processors, etc. be very careful
> with using the '-j' option without a number in the MAKEOPTS variable.
> I recently did an update of glibc to glibc-2.3.2-r3 and after a while of
> compiling my system was freezing.  I would start the emerge process and
> walk away because I knew it would take a while.  When I came back to the
> system later on, the drive light was lit solid and would not shut off. 
> The system would also not respond to user input even though I could
> switch from VT to VT.  Everything I saw happening pointed to a drive
> failing only part of the time.
> It took me a while to figure out what was going on but I started the
> emerge process on one VT and sat there a watched it.  On another VT, I
> used watch to periodically display the disk usage, as well as, the
> output of vmstat.  Pretty soon I found out what was going on.
> The system started to slow to a crawl and I happened to look at the
> process table.  There were upward of 870 process running on my box
> during the compile.  Ouch!
> Essentially, I was slowly fork bombing my box because I was using the
> '-j' option without a number in MAKEOPTS.  The man page for make states,
> "If the -j option is given without an argument, make will not limit the
> number of jobs that can run simultaneously."  With most packages this is
> not a problem but, in the case of glibc, the source directory has
> several components to compile and there were enough components that it
> was bringing my system down.
> Therefore, if you find your system freezing during a emerge like mine
> did, check your MAKEOPTS.
> Steven Elling
> P.S. Developers: You might want to look into adding a number to the '-j'
> option in MAKEOPTS during emerges of certain packages to account for
> this situation.
> --
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