Sent: Sunday, December 07, 2003 12:57 PM
> i've been trying to get hardware graphics acceleration 
> working. i've read the dox & looked at the more obvious 
> things (i hope). my graphics card is 'GeForce4 MX440 w AGP 8x'.
> first, i tried using Gentoo's emerges 'nvidia-kernel' & 
> 'nvidia-glx'; in XF86Config, i commented 'load "dri"' & 
> changed to 'Driver "nvidia"'; i also did 'opengl-update 
> nvidia' & 'modprobe nvidia'. 'startx' started KDE, but once 
> started it became very slow, then stopped.

Have you tried the nv driver to see if the same thing happens with that?
Have you looked at top to get some insight as to where the bottleneck

> second, i tried using Nvidia's own 'run' file; X wouldn't 
> start at all.
>  3  things seem to be wrong.
> (1) the Gentoo approach doesn't create the correct libs: 
> there's a list in the Nvidia README & most of them aren't 
> where they sb: eg  
> /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/  is missing 
> &  ditto/ -> 
> /usr/lib/opengl/nvidia/extensions/ , not to  
> ditto/ , as the Nvidia doc says it shd; 
> similarly for  /usr/lib/  &  
> ditto/libGLcore.ditto . they are correctly in place after the 
> Nvidia 'run' file is used.

This is correct functionality. Nvidia's own 'run' file blindly replaces
the existing software opengl implementation. The Gentoo ebuild stops
this occuring by placing the libraries in different locations and then
using symlinks. That is what opengl-update is for.

> (2) the Nvidia README says installation shd create files in  
> /dev , ie  nvidia0 1 2 3 ctl , which weren't there with 
> either method of install'n.

I can't check on this at the moment coz I'm still at work (for the last
26 hours) but I seem to remember a single nvidia0 entry in my /dev.

> (3)  /var/log/XFree86.0.log  says "module(s) glx/nvidia 
> compiled for 4.0.2", whereas all the other modules loaded 
> were compiled for 4.3.0 . back with my usual working system 
> (software acceler'n), modules 'glx' & 'nv' are compiled for 
> 4.3.0 . the log does claim that "AGP 8x was successfully initialised".

That is also correct behaviour. The modules are built for 4.0.2 for
compatibility with older distributions (such as Debian stable ;-) but
will work fine with XFree86 4.3.0 as well.

> problem (1) seems to be with Gentoo's ebuilds;


> (2) mb with something like devfs, which i've never had to look into;


> (3) may mean i need to compile the modules specially myself: 


> i've never compiled a kernel or module explicitly (Nvidia's 
> 'run' compiled the interface this time), but i'm always 
> willing to learn to do new things.

Wouldn't help

> any suggestions wb most gratefully received.

As per the Nvidia readme file, try running without AGP, turning it on
again and increasing the speed. Also try using the 'other' AGP driver.
e.g. compile the kernel with agp as a module and add a line to your
XF86Config to specify which driver to use.


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