
i am a amigan (Amithlon box) for years and now a GNU/Linux/Debian user from some months.
i go to Debian because i dislike RedHat "Windows-Like" style to do the things and because
the Debian distro is very estimated for some ex-amigan users that now use GNU/Linux. I
like Debian too, i upgrade my system to Sid and i don't regret.

But i like to test Gentoo now, i read several opinions about this from loyal fanatics (that
remember to me to some facccions of the other-times great Amiga comunity) to ppl that
dislike this (that i thing come from the click-install-cool-window-config world).

I have the next setup

AMD Duron 900 Mhz, 512MB RAM, 20GB HD (10GB are going to try Gentoo if i like to do)
i have in my hoem network an AthlonXP 2400+ machine with 512MB DDR RAM with WinXP installed
(brother machine) and i like to try and test if i can use distcc with cygwin (i don't have
any experience with cywin, the redhat name scare me)

i have a live CD with stage1 tarball.

my target: a GNU/Linux installation with Gnome2.4, OpenOffice, Mozilla Firebird/Thunderbird,
multimedia (stupid word, invented for the ppl that never see an Amiga in the 80s) tools like
xine with win32 codecs, developer environment (Glade, java, and obviously c++), this is my
actual Debian system

i have the next questions

- i like to set cygwin in the athlon machine to use this one for build my system, i only
need the base package and the devel package in cygwin? someone try this really for build
a gentoo system? i can set the cygwin box to be used from the beginning, this is, from
buidling the stage1 tarball?

- exist precompiled binaries for gnome2.4 and openoffice? and if i use Precompiled binaries
can i recompile the same versions, for example i install precompiled binaries for gnome and
openoffice, and after i reinstall the same packages, now from sources, is this posible with
gentoo? is transparent or i need to manually remove the installed packages and install the
sources? i like if you can give some examples.

- example: i install mozilla from the sources, after i remove this one from my system.
some time again i like to install again mozilla (same version, not new one) i need to download
again the sources and recompile? how i can made a binary package (local in my sytem) that i can
use for reinstall mozilla instead of download and build again? i have for example almost 1 GB
of donwloaded .deb packages that permit to me a faster install/reinstall of several things
in my debian system for test and try. if i have a binary cache or a source cache is this
organized in one place?

- i can use another system apart from devfs? this one is going to be deprecated in the future
and i like to know if this is contemplated now for the gentoo ppl.

- some gentoo user and ex-amigan that is using uae? how is going?

- i have a strange problem with gxine in debian. some times fail (segment fault)when i try to put
gxine in full screen mode. i reinstall gxine in debian with apt-build (from sources, optimized) and
the problem remains. someone have the same problem with gentoo?

- aprox how many time do you estimate that i am going to invest to build my system? if the time
is going to be some weeks, i need to know to plan my time from now to christmas/new year/next year :)

i wait that i can have a good experience with gentoo. from the Amiga world i learn to be exigent with
my system, know where/how/why the things are installed/configured in my machine, i think that
"be amigan" is have a computer live philosophy that i like to maintain know like a GNU user, and maybe
like a gentoo user too :)

Salu2 a to2

Black Hand
Amiga Addicts

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