On Wed, Dec 10, 2003 at 11:10:52AM +0900, Jason Stubbs wrote:
> On Wednesday 10 December 2003 02:06, john gennard wrote:
> > I'm well into my 70s and have little basis computer knowledge
> Well, good for you! Most people over 50 wouldn't touch anything other than 
> Windows. I'm glad to hear that your giving it a shot. If you can master 
> debian, Gentoo will be a breeze once you've jumped this little hurdle.
> > Following the install write-up (ignoring a net connection),
> > I get to the point where after copying portage-20030911.tar.bz2
> > to /mnt/gentoo/usr/portage
> As per the other post, you'll need to unpack it.
> > and chrooting and then running 'env-update', 'source /etc/profile' (don't 
> > yet understand that!)
> Gentoo splits up what becomes the contents of /etc/profile into package 
> specific components, which are in /etc/env.d. env-update will 
> recreate /etc/profile from the the files in /etc/env.d. source /etc/profile 
> will update your environment with /etc/profile.
> > and 'export CONFIG_PROTECT="-* /etc/make.conf', the command 'emerge -up 
> > system' still fails with the message "no profile directory .. system mode 
> > unavailable".     
> The profile directory is /etc/make.profile, which is a symlink 
> to /usr/portage/profiles/default-<arch>-1.4/. Unpacking that 
> portage-<date>.tar.bz2 file above will fix this.
> > Would someone kindly tell me what I'm not doing correctly.
> > Also, it will be helpful to know how I point 'emerge' to
> > CD2 which contains packages I shall need.
> As per the install guide. You'll need to copy the packages 
> to /usr/portage/packages. If you're using the one page install guide, I would 
> suggest checking out the handbook at http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/handbook/. 
> The installation instructions there (which will eventually depracate the 
> original one-page version) are much clearer and easier to follow.
> > After getting a good install, I shall connect to the net for
> > upgrading and pulling down other packages. At the moment,
> > I access the net through a separate box which contains only
> > my firewall, and I need a browser to reach it - this is
> > why I want to do the initial install without net access.
> This is supported on install and normal running as well. You would just need 
> to specify a couple of environment variables, which are documented in both 
> installation guides. Also, instead of using "emerge sync" you would/will need 
> to use "emerge-webrsync".
> > I do have access to a neighbour's 1meg ADSL connection,
> > but only form a Win box (I got CDs 1+2 this way and burned
> > the images on that box).
> This method should also work fine, though. Good luck and feel free to post if 
> you have any more questions!
> Regards,
> Jason Stubbs
        Many thanks indeed for the detail - the fog is now starting to
clear! This is great for my overall learning. There is much to take in,
and being long retired I rarely have the same problem twice so that
slight variations throw me. I've replied to Andrew's help - yet again
I was 'almost there', just made a stupid error and most importantly
I didn't pick it up.

My thanks,              John.

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