I emerged alsa-driver again with ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~x86" and it still wants to 
downgrade in a emerge -uD world -p so should I create the 
/etc/portage/portage.unmask file?

 Thursday 11 December 2003 12:10, Patrick Börjesson wrote:
> Alsa-driver-1.0.0_rc2 is ~x86, 0.9.8 is ordinary x86. They are slotted
> depending on your kernel-version. It now seems as the kernel-version has
> changed since you installed 1.0.0_rc2 and so portage wants to install
> alsa-driver for your current kernel-version (in a new SLOT) and since
> you're not running~x86 it wants to install 0.9.8 instead. If you want
> 1.0.0_rc2 for your current kernel version you should emerge alsa-driver
> again with~x86, i.e:
> KEYWORDS="~x86" emerge alsa-driver
> You might want to try unmasking alsa-driver in
> /etc/portage/package.unmask also by adding this line into the file:
> =media-sound/alsa-driver-1.0.0_rc2
> Patrick Börjesson

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