On Thursday 11 December 2003 12:37 pm, brett holcomb wrote:
> I'm currently using samba to share drives between windows
> and linux systems.  Works okay for the windows systems to
> see the Linux drives.  However, to share between Linux
> sysetms I need something else.  I am considering NFS and
> noticed Gentoo has OpenAFS also.  What are the advantages
> and disadvantages of each.

NFS is a natural in Linux. We ran it for a few years, but eventually went 
samba. Our reasonig was Samba is much faster and windows NFS clients are all 
pretty much very exppensive and never really did justice to the NFS 

As for AFS or OpenAFS, I'd really love to set one of these up someday and 
wring it out, but there simply is no time for that stuff anymore. I can't 
wait to see if anyone else here has better insight.



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