
Right, I have an exact accident as you.
Some weeks ago, I accidentally find that the system is 2017.
I set the clock properly at once.

And wrote a script to fix the time and portage db (though it is not a
complete solution, as I've forget to consider the 'symlink' case)

anyway. I just wonder if we are both experience the same hardware
problem, or the same bug in some broken ebuil in portage??

My mainboard is MP-7VIP-L3 (KT266/ via8233a)
And I at that moment, I have only install up to my fav. gnome2 desktop
only. (i.e. wo kde nor most of the server stuff..)

OR, '2017' has some special meaning in the hardware clock??


在 2003-12-15 Mon 的 17:39, Matthieu Amiguet 写道:
> I had some clock troubles a few weeks ago when I passed from local to UTC time 
> (somehow my /etc/adjtime was corrupted). I thought I fixed it and used my box 
> happily for a few weeks before realizing that I mixed things up somewhere along the 
> path: date and time are OK, but my box thinks it is running in year... 2017!!!
> So I have two questions:
> 1) How do I set the date/time in gentoo? do I have to set the system clock only, and 
> let gentoo sync the hwclock at poweroff, or do I have to run the classical "date 
> xxxxxx;hwclock --systohc" sequence?
> 2) How do I safely put my date 14 years back??? can I just set the date, or will it 
> cause problems? should I try some magic "find" invocation to set every file dated 
> 2017 back to 2003? Do I have to delete/modify certain settings/log files?
> Thank you for any help. I'm very happy with my gentoo installation now and it would 
> really bother me to mess things up for such a silly mistake...
> Matthieu
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