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Hmm yea, come to think of it your suggestions make more sense.  I
still think I'm going to try out LVM.  I'm just leary of setting
limits on the partitions(paranoid thinking in the future nut).   I
will take yer suggestion and create a /home and a / partition.  Any
suggestion on why I should use JFS over ext3 or vice versa?


Spider wrote:

| begin  quote On Wed, 24 Dec 2003 21:12:34 +0000 Thomas Richards
| <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
|> /boot ext2 10 MB
| you have 120 gb, use at least 32 mb here. or you'll regret it when
| you want to try out things (oh, new bootloader with some cute games
| in it? perhaps initrd with a mini-safe system on it for... )  just
| in case.
|> /var ReiserFS X GB(I was thinking maybe 20? 30? any suggestions?)
| /var ~512Mb - 1Gb,   i prefer ext3, theres no performance horse
| necessary there. you want stability in "append" functions mostly.
| /var/tmp  :   ext2,  No need for a journal at all.  ~5-8 Gb is
| quite enough even if you dont clean it out.  ext2 is still by far
| the fastest filesystem.
| And frankly, you don't care about "oh i must retain all data if
| power goes" on /var/tmp ..  the thing you do mostly there is
| compile. "oops" if its lost ; )
|> /usr/portage ReiserFS 5 GB (i read that rfs is good for small
|> files, on the forums it suggested this because of updating the
|> portage cache and most of the files are small, so the process
|> speeds up)
| I suggest ext2 here too. All the data can be recovered from the
| net, so you dont gain anything from a journal. And once more,
| performance is better on ext2 ;)
|> I dont think I'm going to want to make a seperate /home or /usr
|> partition, but I was thinking of maybe a 10 GB /root partition on
|> ext3 to store important files.  Has anyone compared JFS to ext3?
|> I'm leaning more towards JFS, since I read it does have faster
|> read time. I would make this as my root partition.
| Separate /home from / , you have far more write activity in /home,
| so you want that separated. and it makes for a better upgrade path
| when you move systems, or try out another root partition
| (reinstalling Gentoo, testing the new flashy distro on a small
| partition? ) as its just to mount /home and all is there as you
| want it.
| //Spider

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