On Thu, 2003-12-25 at 23:41, Scott Jackson wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Fri, 26 Dec 2003 04:17:29 +0000
> Ciaran McCreesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Thu, 25 Dec 2003 22:01:40 -0600 Scott Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > wrote:
> > | 1) the "emerge -k nvidia-kernel" is broken. do a "links
> > | www.nvidia.com" and download the driver straight from the website, to
> > | /mnt/gentoo/
> > 
> > It is? What kernel? Did you check bugzilla (http://bugs.gentoo.org/) and
> > file a bug if necessary? It's not globally broken, as I can emerge it
> > quite happily here.
> Well the reason I say it is broken is because in my experience, for some reason, 
> XFree doesn't recognize the driver when you emerge it, but it works fine when you 
> have the nVidia driver compile itself from scratch.

Xfree86 does not see, nor care to see, kernel drivers. Did you emerge
nvidia-glx as well?

> > | 2) genkernel is the ONLY working option.
> > 
> > Huh? That is obviously untrue.
> Okay, clarification. In my experience, genkernel has been the only DECENT option for 
> getting Gentoo to work, since Gentoo requires certain modules to be loaded (like 
> devfsd) and genkernel takes care of those automatically. There are also distinct 
> differences between the configure screen on "genkernel --config" and "make 
> menuconfig".

`genkernel --config` simply copies a prefab .config and lets you chose
options with those defaults. do a make menuconfig after your genkernel
--config and you will see the options are the same.

Chris I
[EMAIL PROTECTED] :: www.cidesign.ca/~chris/

Don't speak about Time, until you have spoken to him.

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