On Sun, 28 Dec 2003 22:32:09 +0100, Oliver Lange

>With GNU/Linux, you might prefer staying with C, while some GUI systems
>are based on C++.


>C++ is modern; it enforces the developer into a proper pogramming style and
>is preferred for writing large projects, but turnaround times are horror.
>Noone says that C doesn't allow good programming styles..

And Wrong.

Actually it depends on what he wants to do. If he wants to do GUI programming,
the way to go would be C++. If he wants to delve into kernel development he
should stick to C.

C++ doesn' t enforce anything. I have seen code in C++ which would turn my
grandmother in her grave. Some concepts in C++ may be hard to understand when
you start learning, but then again newbies also have problems with pointers in
C, so each language has some things which are harder to understand. If he is
going for a cereer then C++ is also a must. Most projects (commercial) now are
written in C++.

Gerhard Gruber
Maintainer of
SoftICE for Linux - http://sourceforge.net/projects/pice
Fast application launcher - http://sourceforge.net/projects/launchmenu

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