On Sun, 2004-01-11 at 08:46, Andrew Gaffney wrote:
> Now that I've finally got my joystick working, I can't remember what game I wanted 
> it for 
> from about 6 months ago when I originally tried to get it working. So now, in order 
> to 
> justify the time I spent getting the joystick to work, I'm looking for a good Linux 
> game 
> that supports the joystick ;) Any recommendations?

All of the descent's are OS now. The first two require the original
gamefiles, but the engines are free now (d2x). Freespace 1 and 2 are
also the same deal. Descent 3 has a linux-native version, but isnt OS
(at least not yet).

I tried FS1 and it worked good, as well as d2x with descent 2 gamefiles.
but my joystick didnt quite work so well. My crappy MS Sidewinder worked
as expected, but my nice logitech force feedback wingman doesnt seem to
want to calibrate at all. The sidewinder doesnt have rudder/hat switch,
so I'd much rather play with the second one.

Chris I
[EMAIL PROTECTED] :: www.cidesign.ca/~chris/

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