Or, you could point emerge directly to the ebuild. 

(I don't know why we're using 'bender', but I will continue with it)

# emerge bar-misc/bender/bender-4.0.ebuild

If bender 4.0 is ~arch it will still install it, however it won't
attempt to install any other ~arch stuff.


On Tue, 2004-01-13 at 12:04, Andrew Cowie wrote:
> So the question you're posing is, do I really need to take the ~arch
> upgrades of jibber and foo? Answer: let it decide.
> 1. emerge everything up to but not including the thing you really want,
> bender, but NOT using ~arch
> 2. then emerge what you want, but this time using ~arch. IF it needs to
> upgrade something (because of a required minimum version higher than is
> in arch) then it will - but it will otherwise leave things with
> sufficiently high versions alone.
> Assuming (for example purposes) that ~arch bender 4.0's ebuild knows it
> can get away with foo >=1.4 but requires jibber >=0.16 ... then you get:
> 1.
>       $ emerge foo
> gets you
>       jibber  0.15.2
>       foo     1.4
> 2.
>       ACCEPT_KEYWORDS=~arch emerge bender
> gets you 
>       jibber  0.17.4
>       bender  4.0
> but leaves foo 1.4 alone because it's "good enough"
> So that's your mix of ~arch stuff, but only where needed.
> All assumes that the dependencies in the ebuilds are well written.

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